Why itel?
It’s not what we do, but how we do it.
True partnerships involve trust, collaboration, and communication.
We believe in building genuine relationships with our clients, and their customers, by listening, responding, and following through on our promises.
This calls for honesty and transparency in everything we do, with the goal of not only providing the best CX services but adding value to your business by co-developing new strategies and processes, using data backed insights and technologies that enhance the customer journey.

How we work says a lot about who we are.
It is often said that being a BPO means we are a people company, and whereas this may be true, we prefer to take it one step further. We are a relationship company. Our goal is to build relationships with our clients, their customers, our employees and our communities. In this way, we can design the greatest experiences and engineer the best results. By focusing on our culture and providing ample opportunities for people to develop and thrive, we achieve higher retention rates from a team dedicated to superior performance.
We do this through: