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Good Service Will Help Soothe Automotive Retailer Challenges

Empty dealerships, year-long delivery times... Car buyers are frustrated as automotive retailers face significant inventory challenges. Here's how CX ...

What Has Changed in Customer Service?

We interview bestselling author and renown customer experience expert, Shep Hyken, as we discuss recent shifts in customer service.

itel SPOTlight: Astrid Romero

Meet Astrid, one of our Engagement Champions. Learn more about her role and why her goal is to make everyone's 'itel experience' the best.

Should You Outsource Your Customer Support?

CX outsourcing has many benefits, but some companies are still unsure. If you have questions, here's why the nearshore could hold the answers. 

When are Chatbots Helpful? 4 Customer Support Scenarios 

AI Chatbots can bring greater speed, efficiency, and accuracy to your customer experience. But when is it best to employ a Bot? We look at four common...

Stuck on Repeat: Solving the Number One Customer Complaint

Over half of customers say that repeating their issues is their #1 contact center complaint. Our Innovation Team offers expert tips for reducing repet...

What is Customer Journey Mapping and Why is it Important?

Want happy, lifelong customers? Customer Journey Mapping identifies the moments that matter, so you can deliver the best customer experience. Learn mo...

The Benefits of Cross-Training Agents

Cross-training agents can provide many benefits, such as maximizing cost savings and efficiency. Learn how we use cross-training at itel to strategica...

Meet Kemika: Security and Safety Manager at itel

Meet Kemika, part of our Environmental Health, Safety and Security team. Learn more about her role at itel and what she loves most about working here.

“i am itel” Campaign Kicks Off

This month, itel marked its 10-year anniversary by launching the ‘i am itel’ campaign, to capture the essence of the itel employee and culture, in...