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3 Reasons to Invest in Employee Experience

July 29, 2020
By Serena Godfrey, Chief Experience Officer

Employee experience plays a significant role in keeping any company ahead of the game. But of course, it’s only one piece of a much larger puzzle. It’s integral to the customer experience and is the driving force behind EX=CX (employee experience equals customer experience). Other factors work in tandem with employee experience, and if they align properly, then your company is on its way (if not already) to being a leader in its industry. 

Here are 3 reasons why every employer should invest in employee experience:

What You Give Is What They Put Out

The employees make the business. After all, a company is only as good as its people, and if you don’t employ great people and take care of them, then you’re not going to have a good company. I encourage business owners and managers to treat every employee like they are family. This means propping each other up when things get tough and embracing each others’ differences. These two basics of what family is all about do wonders for nurturing loyalty. In turn, your team will treat fellow colleagues and customers like family, which leads to greater productivity and a healthy work environment. Treat your employees like family and they’ll give you 100 percent in their work.

Employees Will be Your Biggest Brand Advocates

You want employees who want to retire with you, and even if they leave, they never stop talking about you because you had such a positive impact on their life. Like customers, you want them to be raving fans. Therefore, it’s important to cultivate a work environment that allows freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, and an overall sense of pride knowing that their opinions matter. Be deliberate about designing an atmosphere that reflects your company’s values and inspires positivity. Match this with decent compensation and a clear development path and your employees will relish coming to work every day, whether onsite or WAH, and they will share their sentiments with others.

Lower Rates of Attrition 

Employee growth generally falls under two broad categories - personal and professional. As the employer, how you nurture these aspects of your employees’ lives can mean the difference between an adequate workforce and an exceptional one. For instance, investing in extra-curricular activities at work (for example an inter-department sports day) can help to foster personal/emotional fulfillment, bring people closer together and can generate a greater appreciation for you as an employer. When it comes down to enabling professional growth, maintaining a robust in-house training program or forging partnerships with outside educational institutions facilitates growth for both employees and the company. It’s a clear win-win that supports long-term career mobility for team members and results in real ROI in the business.

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